The legal interpretation of a regional access in formation of the territorial mechanism of Ukraine

Vìsn. Nac. unìv. “Lʹvìv. polìteh.”, Ser.: Ûrid. nauki, 2016; 850(11) 63–69


I. Mahnovskyi

In the article in legal aspect considered regional approach of reforming of the territorial mechanism of Ukraine, as one of the possible options for improvement. Highlighted understanding such multifold category as region. With a glance to historical experience, modern political realities and future prospects, tend was valid for the optimizing of the territorial mechanism of Ukraine, including the feasibility of consolidation of administrative units by the formation of prorated regions. Defined territorial enlargement and consolidation of regional boundaries by the individual criterions: historical and political; socio-economic; geographic and climatic; ethnic and national-cultural. Brought the element of the aggregated potential of the region: labor, consumer, infrastructural, productive, innovation, financial, institutional and natural resources. Stated that the regionalization of the territorial mechanism of Ukraine has optimized and decentralized nature and will allow effectively realize national policy in the country, coupled with the development of government and provide proportional socio-economic and cultural elaborateness of the regions preserve their identity and ensure political stability in society in general. The introduction and expansion of the process of regionalization in Ukraine will contribute to further deepening democratization of society.

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