Priority areas of juvenile drug abuse prevention

: 411 - 416

M. Boysan «Priority areas of juvenile drug abuse prevention»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

Suggested that prevention of drug abuse among minors is a set of legal, social, medical, psychological activities undertaken by public and private agencies at the national and local levels aimed to identify and to eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the spread and use of drugs, psychotropic substances or their unique, toxic substances, alcohol, prevention and elimination of negative consequences for the body of a minor.
The article investigates the question of understanding the notion of the concept “prevention of drug abuse”. The article analyzes different approaches of scientists and give its own definition of “prevention of juvenile drug abuse.” It is aimed to highlight the main models of narcotics prevention, legal, medical and psychosocial. The measures of juvenile drug abuse prevention at the “vertical” and “horizontal” level are demonstrated. The examples of implementation performance of prevention programs are provided.
It is suggested that the most efficient implementation of juvenile drug abuse must be carried at the local unit.

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