Тhe concept of public interest in the civil law of Ukraine

: pp. 366-372

I. Babetska "The concept of public interestin the civil law of Ukraine" http://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/volume-1-number-865-14...

Ivano-Frankivsk University of Law named after King Danylo Galician

In the article are the concept and content of public interest in the civil law of Ukraine. Based on statements concerning separation of private and public interest in law, we define the mechanism of public interest in civil law. Also, this article focuses on clarifying of the relationship between these key regulatory categories as “interest”, “private interest” and “public interest.” The legal category of “public interest in civil law” is defined as indirect legal provisions and are not inconsistent with the general principles of civil law, civil law entity striving to meet social and economic needs, which are implemented in civil matters and (or) subject to civil law protection. Detailed analysis of the mechanism of realization of public interests.


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