Рroblems of counteraction to illegal activity, related to production, trade and use of pyrotechnic means

: pp. 428-432

V. Baranyak «Problems of counteraction to illegal activity, relatedto production, trade and use of pyrotechnic means»

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Educatinoal and Rasearch Institute of Law, Psychology and Innovative Education

In the articles considered problems are in relation to the illegal activity of subjects, related to the production, trade and use of pyrotechnic means. Actuality of research of this problem is conditioned by the increase of amount of violations in the sphere of production, realization, transportation and use of pyrotechnic means. For violation of turnover of pyrotechnic wares legal and natural persons bear the administrative responsibility. Subjects, that carry out productive and trade activity must adhere to the licensed terms, that contain the list of qualifying, organizational and other requirements obligatory for implementation of menage subjects regardless of their legal form and pattern of ownership. In case of failure to observe of norms ofstorage of pyrotechnics an enterprise can be confined license. Decision role in counteraction to illegal activity of subjects, related to the production, trade and use of pyrotechnic means it is fixed to subdivisions of Ministry of internal affairs of Ukraine.


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