On changes to the procedure for allocating payments for internally displaced persons of Ukraine

Nataliia BLOK "On changes to the procedure for allocating payments for internally displaced persons of Ukraine".


Institute of Jurisprudence, Psychologyand Innovative education Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Civil Law and Procedure

The article analyzes financial support from the state for internally displaced persons. On the basis of the current legislation, the concept of «internally displaced persons» was characterized. It is noted that internally displaced persons are citizens, foreigners, and stateless persons who permanently or temporarily reside in the territory of Ukraine and are forced to carry out internal displacement within the borders of their country either forcibly or of their own free will. It is indicated that precisely because of the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, a large number of Ukrainian citizens were forced to migrate to safe places, saving their lives and the lives of their relatives, therefore, since 2022, the number of displaced people has increased, both within Ukraine and abroad. Statistical data on forced displacement by internally displaced persons are indicated. It is noted that the fact of internal displacement is confirmed by a certificate of registration of an internally displaced person.

It was established that the state contributes to providing effective support and assistance in overcoming the challenges caused by the war in Ukraine for internally displaced persons. It is indicated that persons who lost their homes or were forced to relocate from places where hostilities are taking place or from temporarily occupied territories are most in need of housing and financial support.

It is indicated that internally displaced persons are provided with financial support for accommodation in the amount of UAH 3,000 for persons with disabilities and children and UAH 2,000 for other persons. However, the Government made changes to the legislation on the appointment of payments for internally displaced persons. It is noted that the payment will not be extended for persons staying abroad for more than 30 calendar days in a row; are serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty; were convicted of a criminal offence; returned to the abandoned place of residence. It is emphasized that state payments will be stopped to those internally displaced persons who: purchased a new vehicle; purchased for more than UAH 100,000 a plot of land, an apartment, a house of other immovable property; have funds in the deposit bank account(s) in the total amount exceeding UAH 100,000, etc. It has been proven that it is very important for internally displaced persons to continue receiving payments.

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