Comparative analysis of the activities of the police of Ukraine and the police of the Azerbaijan Republic in the field of ensuring road safety

: 169-173

Tagiev M. "Comparative analysis of the activities of the police of Ukraine and the police
of the Azerbaijan Republic in the field of ensuring road safety"

Applicant for the Educational and Scientific Institute of Law the name of Vladimir the Great MAUP

The article analyzes the activities of the National Police of Ukraine and the police of the Azerbaijan Republic in the field of ensuring road safety. It is proved that both the National Police of Ukraine and the police of the Azerbaijan Republic have all the normative grounds to act to ensure road safety. The analysis of the laws on the police of Ukraine and the Republic of Azerbaijan has made it possible to conclude that in the legislation of the Azerbaijani Republic all legal norms concerning the participation of police in ensuring road safety are concentrated in the same law and have a clear orientation. At that time in Ukraine, such norms are generally circulated throughout the law, which raises certain problems for their application

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