The judiciary system as the environment for the formation of judicial professional competences

: 20-27

Vatamanyuk L. V. The judiciary system as the environment for the formation of judicial
professional competences

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

It has been found out that the purpose of professionalization of a judge is legal goals,
which envisage state, social, axiological, psychological, organizational aspects, which are at the
same time characteristic both of judicial activity and of the specific features of each component
of the professionalization system. Revealing the legal goals, we must proceed from the
following prerequisites: the national legal system, the state of the judicial system of the state
and the position of the individual appointed to the position of judge. The decisive purpose of
education should be not only the formation of the proper level of certain components of
personal professional potential, but also the humanistic and altruistic character of the
orientation of the outlook, social and psychological attitudes of the personality’s activity.
Because, in practical reality, a modern Ukrainian judge is usually a specialist with a proper
intellectual level, but not always a moral, humanistic person.

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