Public servants: conceptand administrative responsibility

: 130-135

Didyk N., Pavlovych-Seneta Y.
"Public servants: conceptand administrative responsibility"

LvivState Universityof Internal Affairs Associate Professor of the Departmentof Administrative Lawand of Administrative Process Candidate of Law, Associate Professor
LvivState Universityof Internal Affairs Associate Professor of the Departmentof Administrative-Legal Disciplines Candidate of Law, Associate Professor

From the standpoint of structural analysis, theoretical and applied aspects of conceptual 
provisions  regarding  the  functioning  and  development  of  public  service  are  considered.  Based 
on  the  analyzed  scientific  research,  the  concept,  characteristics  and  types  of  public  service  are 
disclosed.  From  the  standpoint  of  administrative  law,  the  features  of  administrative 
responsibility ofpublic servantsare defined.

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