Prospects for the use of mediation as a method of settlement of family legal disputes

: 189-194

Dutko A.
"Prospects for the use of mediation as a method of settlement of family legal disputes"

Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Civil Law and Procedure

The article is devoted to the research of normative-legal and organizational support of staffing of the State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine. The normative legal support of the process of
staffing of the institutions and bodies of the State Criminal Enforcement Service of Ukraine is analyzed. The processes of staffing recruitment, in the context of internal organizational management relations in the personnel support of the activity of criminal enforcement service, which include organizational and legal bases of regulation of selection, placement, assignment and use of personnel are considered in stages; their education and upbringing. The main directions and requirements for improvement of staffing in the State Penal Enforcement Service are formulated.

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