Ontological primary space in the natural and legal creation of the world

: 104-110

Slyvka S. "Ontological primary space in the natural and legal creation of the world"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

The article examines the ontological primacy of space in the natural creation of the world. It is emphasized that space has occupied a leading place in the creation of the world. Together with space, the necessary natural laws were created. The author defines the space in the natural creation of the world. Man must learn to define his space, his place in the universe, in order to navigate life's problems. After all, all our lives are not homogeneous, not the same, which depends on our own movement in space due to the manifestation of his over-manifested will. The primacy of space must target a person to first learn how to find his place in the universe, space, and without a natural need to change it. That is, natural space destroys, should be characterized by its permanently stable living space. God gives a free choice of place in space. And a person must perceive himself so as not to lose his life. For the existence of matter requires space and time, which are the main and common forms of being. Space and time, as general concepts or categories, perform universal functions in the theoretical and practical activity of man: act as conditions of knowledge of the world - all knowledge (information) has a spatio-temporal dimension; determine the forms and means of practical development of the world by man; specify daily human activities; individualize phenomena, including humans, that is, make them themselves "due to" attachment to specific spatial and temporal conditions. Psychological space is filled with creative activity, including in the field of natural law in its subjective expression. This is the brain's response to the environment, resulting in the laws of mental activity that the individual and their nature understands. Hence, subjectivism emerges: a person examines himself, assesses his psyche, its rightful or unlawful manifestations.

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