Procedural activity of the National police in the implementation of the control and supervision function

: 177-184

Bortnyk N., Esimov S. "Procedural activity of the National police in the implementation of the control and supervision function"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The procedural activity of the National Police in the exercise of the supervisory function has been investigated. The theoretical aspects of control and supervision in the context of administrative and procedural activity are considered. The stages of control proceedings, their sequence and content are analyzed. The stage of preparation for carrying out control and supervision measures, the stage of carrying out these measures, the stage of decision making, the stage of reviewing the implementation of the decision are characterized. The analysis of supervisory and supervisory and restoration proceedings is carried out, which are implemented through a set of interrelated procedural actions and procedures of control and supervisory nature aimed at preventing and ending violations of mandatory requirements. It is emphasized that the control and supervision procedure is a basic element of the structure of the control process, has all the hallmarks of a legal procedure focused on achieving a specific social result. The activity consists of successive acts of behavior, internally structured by appropriate social relations; has a model of development, pre-established at the regulatory or individual level; hierarchically constructed; is in the dynamics of development; has an official character, acts as a means of implementing social relations. It is established that the generic concept of the concept of control and supervision procedure is an administrative procedure, which in the legislation is defined as a logically separate sequence of administrative actions. It is concluded that the control and supervision procedure enshrined in the legislation on state control (supervision) consists of acts of behavior that consistently change, has a model of development and a legally fixed result, designed to streamline the procedural actions carried out by officials of control and supervisory bodies, give them the form of procedural rules for the application of substantive rules. It is noted that through control and supervision procedures, officials of the National Police exercise powers to exercise control and supervision functions, and therefore, control and supervision procedure is an organizational and legal form of control and supervision functions, a tool for structuring management decision-making and implementation.

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