The role of sources of Ukrainian law in the context of integration processes

Korneliuk Y. "The role of sources of Ukrainian law in the context of integration processes"

Lviv Polytechnic National University Institute of Law and Psychology, Assistant of the Department of Theory and Philosophy of Law

The article analyzes the integration processes and the role of sources of law. In the countries of Eastern Europe there is a tendency to interpret the law as a positive law, the content of which is determined not so much by natural prescriptions as by the needs of society, which are better known to the state, which embodies them in legislation; the absence of a theoretically sound and officially recognized concept of succession of law within one state or civilization. As a result, such a phenomenon as the reception of law, occurs in latent forms, is limited and inconsistent. The stable position of supporters of natural law in European countries was characterized by the fact that positive law was perceived by Western European lawyers as an important, but only an integral part of what is called law. The study of law was carried out in close connection with the norms of morality. Judicial activity was focused on the provisions of law, and not on their own discretion in making decisions on the case. For the countries of the Romano-Germanic legal system is characterized by a focus on the creation of abstract legal norms, to cover the entire field of law in a perfectly structured system, to develop methods for constructing legal structures. Emphasizing the convergence of sources of Romano-Germanic and Anglo-Saxon law in general and their harmonization in particular, scholars point out that this process is not carried out by itself, but under the influence of economic, social and other integration, which directly affects not only development national legal systems and legal families, but also on the evolution of relevant sources of law. Determining the boundaries of integration of systems of sources of law of different legal families depends on a number of objective circumstances (purpose, possible means, etc.), according to which different methods can be used: adaptation, harmonization, unification, implementation, approximation, etc. Therefore, at the beginning of the XXI century, one of the pressing problems is the impact of globalization processes on the development of lawmaking. The world is on the verge of creating a new model of law – the global global legal system, based on the convergence and achievement of uniformity of domestic and international systems on the basis of common norms, standards, legal principles.

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