Special issues of legal regulation of social and educational work with sentences to life imprisonment

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Ortynsky V. "Special issues of legal regulation of social and educational work with sentences to life imprisonment" https://science.lpnu.ua/law/all-volumes-and-issues/number-432-2021/speci...

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Director of the Educatioal and Rasearch Institute for Law, Psychology, and Innovative Education

Abstract. The article attempts to find out the peculiarities of social and educational work with those sentenced to life imprisonment on the basis of the analysis of the current legislation and taking into account the conclusions of leading scientists and to highlight some inconsistencies in the legal regulation of this issue. According to the results of the study, it is established that the forms, methods and measures of social and educational work with lifers, taking into account the purpose of punishment and the principles declared in Article 5 of the Criminal Executive Code of Ukraine, should be as personality-oriented. It was found that certain provisions of the Rules of Procedure of penitentiary institutions are inconsistent and even contradict the Criminal Enforcement Code of Ukraine. Ways to overcome the outlined problem are suggested. Structural analysis of the Code as a whole and its Section IV "Execution of life imprisonment", found that the rules governing social and educational work with persons serving life imprisonment are "scattered" in some sections and articles. In this context, the structural organization of Section III of the Code "Execution of Punishment in the Form of Imprisonment" is noted, which contains a separate Chapter 19, which regulates the procedure for conducting social and educational work with convicts sentenced to life imprisonment. It is proposed to supplement Chapter IV with a separate article that will regulate the issue of social and educational work with persons serving a sentence of life imprisonment.

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