Principles of punishment and general principles of punishment: the relationship of concepts

: 176-180

Marysyuk K.
"Principles of punishment and general principles of punishment: the relationship of concepts"

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology

The article is devoted to the relationship between the concepts of “general principles of sentencing” and “principles of sentencing”. In criminal law, the concepts of “general principles of sentencing” and “principles of sentencing” are used in parallel. At first glance, these concepts seem identical. Principles are often defined through general principles, and vice versa – general principles through principles.Common in the legal literature is the position that the general principles have their source in a separate principle of sentencing or a combination thereof. This view should be accepted, but it should also be added that although the principles are expressed and enshrined in general principles, they are also reflected in other norms. These concepts are distinguished by the fact that the principles of sentencing permeate the entire section of the Criminal Code relating to sentencing, and the general principles are enshrined in one article of the Criminal Code. The general principles are applied by the court when sentencing a specific person, and the principles of sentencing guide all court activities on sentencing. The position enshrined in paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of Ukraine “On the Practice of Criminal Punishment by Courts” of October 24, 2003 № 7 in the wording of November 6, 2009, according to which the principles of sentencing are implemented through general principles, also seems correct.. In conclusion, we can conclude that the principles of sentencing and the general principles of punishment can not be considered synonymous. Yes, they have many features in common and are closely related, but there are a number of differences that suggest that these concepts are independent criminal law categories.

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