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Department of Architecture and UNESCO World Heritage Sites preservation of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi

The main idea of the article is the research of Frederick Kiesler impact on formation of contemporary plastic arts instead of ideas of “clear architecture” which were common at that time. Kiesler hadn’t been satisfied with the modern functional architecture of his time – the white painted box. In his extreme architectural vision, Kiesler hoped to perform this same ultimate cleansing – to regenerate and liberate humanity to start all over, free again. His main idea in arts was the cooperation between parts of different arts, Kiesler used his own term “correalizm” to show the continuing collaboration between human and surrounding both technical and nature. Reconsideration of traditional ways by Frederick Kiesler gave a new life to formulation of new spatial art.     

Twentieth-century art are filled with contradictions and still is not researched enough. But those art was a crucial point for birth the new genres, which impressed by diversity and paradoxes. This new genres of arts first of all were based on synthesis of their forms. That period was also formed a new generation of artists, who affected on development of all sphere of arts by their works, and Kiesler was among them.  

Despite the word famous, the genius of Frederick Kiesler and his creation isn’t researched enough in foreign and domestic publishing. Among published works about Kiesler in Ukraine belong to Kyiv and Lviv architecture schools: Proskuriakov V., Proskuriakov O., Bilenkova S., Korotun I., Nykyrsa M. and others. Also the last interesting research works were demonstrated during the International architecture online conference “The influence of futuristic ideas of F. Kiesler on the development of architectural practice and theory in Ukraine and the world”. The initiators of this conference were Chernivtsy National University and National University “Lviv polytechnic”.  

The aim of this article is demonstrate some of Kiesler’s periods of life and creation, which are characterized by innovation approaches and synthesis of arts, correalizm and influenced on creation of contemporary spatial art.

Bilenkova, S. 2019. Innovation of the multifunctional work of architect, designer, philosopher and artist Friedrich Kiesler. Proceedings of the X All-Ukrainian Scientific Conference November 22, 2018. Modern architectural education. Urban planning: Aesthetics of chaos and order. - Кyiv : 2019. - P. 24.
Korotun Iryna, 2017. Chernivtsi and Vienna environment and space at the times of Friedrich Kiesler. Architectural Studies, 2 , P. 85-88.
Proskuriakov,V., Kordunian, О., Proskuriakov, О., 2010. Conceptual educational design as a method of research of architectural buildings and heritage of world-famous masters of architecture and design // Traditions and innovations in higher architectural and artistic education / red. Trehub, J. Charkiv. 2006. - No. 1-3. - P. 218-222.
Sokolova M. A. Modern visual language and plastic education. AMIT, 4,13, P. 3.
Proskuriakov, V., Proskuriakov, О. Theatrical buildings as an architectural phenomenon of urban development (on the example of F. Fellner, G. Helmer, F. Kizler).
Stephen J. Phillips "Elastic architecture: Frederick Kiesler and design research in the first age of robotic culture" [online] Available at: (Accessed: 08.08.2020).
Stephen Phillips, Princeton University "Toward a Research Practice: Frederick Kiesler's Design-Correlation Laboratory" [online] Available at: (Accessed: 10.08.2020).
Faculty of Architecture, Building, Arts and Crafts, ChNU Yu. Fedkovich, 2020. [online] Available at: (Accessed: 26.09.2020).