Effect of parameter of fibres in dispersed reinforcement of concretes and sulfur concretes

Margal I. Effect of parameter of fibres in dispersed reinforcement of concretes and sulfur concretes / I. Margal, S. Brajchenko // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". - 2014. - № 781. - С. 111-115.


Margal I., Brajchenko S.

The problems of concrete and crack resistance under cyclic repeated power, temperature and moisture effects are of great significance for road, transport, irrigation and other structures, especially in the regions with increased day temperatures. These effects accelerate the processes of concrete failure to a great extent, but their influence on concrete endurance and crack resistance is insufficiently studied. A lot of various concretes differing in structure, kind and modified state of binders, kind and properties of fillers and aggregates have appeared lately. The paper deals with the results of experimental investigations of cement and sulfur concrete endurance, including concretes reinforced with glass fibre under the action of repeated load and variable humidity.

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