Фіброармовані самоущільнювальні бетони з високим вмістом золи винесення


Стечишин М. С., Саницький М. А., Позняк О. Р., Бігун Г. Г. / Stechyshyn M. S., Sanytsky M. A., Pozniak O. R., Bihun G. G.

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра будівельного виробництва,
кафедра автомобільних шляхів

The possibility of obtaining Self-Compacting Concrete with a large amount of supplementary cementitious materials, including fly ash is shown in this article. Research results of rheological properties of fiber reinforced Self-Compacting Concretes with high volume of fly ash and chemical admixtures, which regulate fluidity and viscosity of concrete mixes, are shown. It was established that the replacement of 55, 70 and 85 wt. % of binder with fly ash allows to obtain Self-Compacting Concrete mixes with the consistency class SF2, viscosity T500 = 5 s and the volume of entrained air 0,4 %. It is shown that the replacement of 55 wt. % of cement with fly ash and addition of 0,5 % of basalt fiber allows to obtain Self-Compacting Concrete strength of 41,8 MPa after 28 days of hardening in normal conditions and concrete containing 85 wt. % of fly ash in binder composition which characterizes by strength of 25,4 MPa. The results showed a positive effect of basalt fiber reinforcement of Self-Compacting Concrete with high volume of fly ash especially on strength increase, relative deformation reduction at constant stress, increase prism strength and reduce of Poisson coefficient. The technology of Self-Compacting makes it easier and safer to shape construction sites compared with the use of conventional concrete properties.
The possibility of obtaining Self-Compacting Concrete with a large amount of supplementary cementitious materials, including fly ash is shown in this article. Research results of rheological properties of fiber reinforced Self-Compacting Concretes with high volume of fly ash and chemical admixtures, which regulate fluidity and viscosity of concrete mixes, are shown. It was established that the replacement of 55, 70 and 85 wt. % of binder with fly ash allows to obtain Self-Compacting Concrete mixes with the consistency class SF2, viscosity T500 = 5 s and the volume of entrained air 0,4 %. It is shown that the replacement of 55 wt. % of cement with fly ash and addition of 0,5 % of basalt fiber allows to obtain Self-Compacting Concrete strength of 41,8 MPa after 28 days of hardening in normal conditions and concrete containing 85 wt. % of fly ash in binder composition which characterizes by strength of 25,4 MPa. The results showed a positive effect of basalt fiber reinforcement of Self-Compacting Concrete with high volume of fly ash especially on strength increase, relative deformation reduction at constant stress, increase prism strength and reduce of Poisson coefficient. The technology of Self-Compacting makes it easier and safer to shape construction sites compared with the use of conventional concrete properties.

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