Вплив транзитної витрати води на роздачу та притік крізь насадки в напірному трубопроводі


Чернюк В. В., Іванів В. В. / Cherniuk V. V., Ivaniv V. V

Національний університет “Львівська політехніка”,
кафедра гідравліки та сантехніки

The Influence of transitional flow rate of water upon dispensing along its path in the initial segment and upon its inflow in the middle and terminal segment of a pipeline equipped with nozzles under the action of external hydraulic head is experimentally investigation. The angle between vectors of the velocities of the stream in the pipeline and the inflowing jets through the nozzles were assigned the following values: ; ; ; ; . The values of the angle in the segment of outflowing jets were correspondingly greater by . The diameter of the pipeline D=20.18 mm, the diameter of the nozzle d=8.02 mm. The distances between the nozzle were 180 mm, and the number of them was 11. The value of hydraulic parameters of the stream was being varied within the following ranges: water head outside the pipeline from 1200 to 2000 mm; transitional flow rate at its inlet from 3.5 to 155.0 ; Reynolds criterion from 12711 to 15926. The increase in the flow rate of transitional stream caused enhance of ununiformity of distribution of working heads and that of flow rates of water along the pipeline in the segment of its dispensing. In the collecting segment, reverse tendency was observed. The number of nozzles through which water was dispensed increased with the increase of , For 20 no dispersion of water was observed. For the angle in the segment of dispersion, which corresponded to in the segment of collection, the water was dispensed through the least number of nozzles, and the length of the segment of water dispersing was the shortest one.

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