: 25-36
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Institute of Social and Economic Geography and Tourism Pomeranian University in Słupsk, Poland
Lviv Polytechnic National University

Purpose. The article is devoted to the problem of forming a methodological basis for conducting an economic evaluation of interaction in innovation processes.

Design/methodology/approach. Semantic analysis, comparative analysis and systematization method were used to conduct the methodological substantiation of the economic evaluation base; the method of grouping, structural-logical modeling has been used in the development of indicators for evaluating the interaction processes. An abstract-logical method has been used to formulate conclusions and theoretical generalization of the results of the conducted study.


The research of many Ukrainian and foreign scientists is devoted to the definition of problems of evaluation of innovative activity indicators, indicators of innovative activity development and establishment of joint activity processes in innovative processes, and the requirements for evaluation of innovative activity are regulated in regulatory documents.

The aim of economic evaluation of the interaction system in innovative processes is a comprehensive analysis of the effectiveness of the interaction system and its impact on the most important indicators of innovative development of a region, determination of expediency and optimal variants of interaction system formation, prompt adjustment of parameters of interaction processes and ensuring development of interaction systems in the region.

The main tasks of economic evaluation of interaction systems in the innovative processes of the region are: identification, analysis and evaluation of risk factors for joint implementation of the innovative processes in the innovative environment of the region; identifying opportunities and threats to the environment; determination of probabilities of conflict of interests of participants of the interaction system and their preventive elimination; evaluation of indicators of results and efficiency of participation in the interaction system.

It has been substantiated that economic evaluation of interaction systems in innovative processes of the region requires five consecutive stages: setting evaluation goals in accordance with the goals of interaction system formation, developing a system of criteria and indicators for control (standards), coordination of evaluation criteria and bringing them to the participants, evaluation of the functioning of interaction systems in accordance with the defined criteria and indicators, comparison of performance with standards and development, if necessary, of corrective measures.

Subjects of economic evaluation of interaction systems in innovative processes should be direct participants of the innovative process, indirect participants of the innovative process, mediate participants, each of which is characterized by its own goals and tasks for evaluating the interaction system.

Practical implications.

The developed evaluation base should be used in the general concept of innovation evaluation. Quantitative indicators of evaluation of the interaction system are the efficiency and results of the innovative process (stage); qualitative indicators include the usefulness of interaction, the cost of interaction, the value of interaction.


Based on the study of methodological provisions for the evaluation of innovative processes in scientific publications and forms of statistical reporting, the main components of the methodological basis of economic evaluation of interaction systems in innovative processes of the region have been revealed. Components of the methodological basis of evaluation of interaction processes include: evaluation principles, evaluation functions, subjects and objects, evaluation stages. The aim and main tasks of economic evaluation of the interaction system in the innovative processes of the region have been substantiated.

Developed methodological basis should be used to form a methodological approach to economic evaluation of interaction systems in innovative processes of the region, which should include monitoring of the processes of establishment, implementation and execution of joint activities of participants in the innovative process of the region by substantiated directions and indicators.

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