The Modes of the Power Supply Scheme of Own Needs During Start-up of the Power Units With an Additional Working Transformer

: pp. 52 - 61
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The efficiency of operation of power units of powerful thermal and nuclear power plants is largely determined by the reliability of power supply systems for their own needs. The main requirements for such systems are maintaining the required voltage level on the busbars of the distribution charters of their own needs and reduction of the time of forced power outages. Ensuring these requirements by the Ukrainian energy sector is complicated by the fact that most of its power plants are operated for a long time, and their equipment is significantly worn out. In such circumstances it’s important to develop and study new circuits and technical solutions for power systems of own needs of block power plants. The modes of the power unit during its start-up with the use of an additional working auxiliary transformer of own needs are investigated in the work. The method of switching on such an auxiliary transformer ensures its operation in the mode of the current source set by the load of the power unit. This makes it possible to maintain a required level of voltage on the busbars of the units of own needs of the power generator both in long use and during emergency modes in the external electrical network. Previously conducted research has shown that when the power supply modes are loaded, the voltage on the busbars of own needs is also maintained at a high enough level, which improves the static and dynamic stability of such modes compared to traditional power supply schemes of own needs. For completeness of information about the new power supply system of own needs it is necessary to investigate its modes for two variants of start-up of the power unit, which is the subject of this work. The calculated scheme of substitution of the system of own needs for both variants of start-up is substantiated, the corresponding mathematical model is formed and realized. Analysis of obtained results showed that during the start-up modes a proper voltage level on the busbars of the distribution charter of the first stage of transformation of the power supply circuit of electric receivers of own needs is provided. With that current loading of the elements in each of the characteristic modes does not exceed the corresponding nominal values. Thus, the efficiency and expediency of the introduction of the power supply scheme of the power unit with an additional working transformer of own needs is confirmed.

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