Philosophical-linquistic aspects of internet-communication (Review Article)

: 63-68
Received: February 12, 2018
Accepted: April 02, 2018
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The current state and language features of Internet communication are examined. It is found out that in the new communication environment, not only traditional communication is presented, but fundamentally new forms are formed. Hence, such notions as “metalanguage” and “new speech” are emerging. A new style (Internet communication style) is formed, which is characterized by: 1) written pronunciation; 2) hyperintertextuality; 3) fixed spokenness; 4) spontaneity. New forms of communication are growing in popularity and clearly distinguishconvenient communication options. It is emphasized that Internet communication enhances the feeling of personal freedom where anyone can find the most comfortable conditions for communication. The anonymous communication, through which a communicant constructs the image that he likes, seems to be especially attractive. New opportunities for Internet communication require responsible use, as they open up ways to abuse human rights, generate ethical problems. It is emphasized that the purpose of communication is usually not to achieve the truth, but to represent oneself through the Network. Language does not get a meaningful character, but resembles chattering instead. The speed that Internet communication is accompanied by, generates problems of neglecting grammar. Consequently, an important issue is not only the culture of speech, but also the preservation of the native language on the Web. The words used by Internet users are mostly those borrowed from English. Therefore Internet communication generatesfundamental problems of ethical and linguistic nature that require a profound philosophical reflection.

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