Manuscripts of articles, book reviews, and academic event reviews can be submitted permanently.
The estimated time of manuscripts processing is about 2–4 months.
!Due to Coronavirus-19 pandemic and war, reviewers may have difficulties with timelines of our peer review process. Therefore, the review process may take longer than usual!
The Journal is founded in 2015. Founder and Publisher: Lviv Polytechnic National University.
The State Certificate of the Registration of the Print Media: Seria KB №23890-13730P
(2015-2018: КВ 21627-11527Р)
Identifier in the Register of Media Subjects of the National Council of Ukraine on Television and Radio Broadcasting R30-01293
(Decision of the National Council No. 885 dated September 14, 2023)
The Journal is included in the list of scientific professional editions of Ukraine by Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, order number 1222 of 07.10.2016.
Specialization of the Journal: B10 - Philosophy, С2 - Political Science.
The issues of the Journal appear twice per year (June and December).
Languages of articles: English, Polish, and Ukrainian.
Free online full-text access.
The Journal does not charge article processing or publishing charges, as well as submission charges.
All submitted articles are checked for plagiarism. The journal practices only external double-anonymous peer review.
Aims and Scope
The aims of the journal are to analyse in detail the actual problems of contemporary political and philosophical sciences. The journal keeps the plurality of topics and viewpoints and doesn't represent a particular academic philosophical or politological tradition or school. The journal promotes the high quality of scientific research in the domain of political and philosophical sciences.
In the journal “Humanitarian Vision” the peer reviewed original articles on the actual problems of political and philosophical sciences, among them: 1) in political science: immigration crisis, globalism and alter-globalism, national and global security, checks and balance system, international relationships; 2) in philosophical sciences: ontology and metaphysics, phenomenology, epistemology, philosophy of science, ethics and aesthetics, history of philosophy, social philosophy and philosophy of history, philosophical anthropology are publishing. Also, reviews of monographs, surveys of philosophical events and translations of philosophical articles and the fragments of contemporary and classical works into Ukrainian with translator(s) commentaries are welcomed.
The Journal is included in Bibliographical Index of Volodymyr Vernadskyi National Libary of Ukraine:
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The Journal has been included in ERIH PLUS (The European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences):
The Journal is included in Bibliographical Index and Citation Index of Journals Indexing Directory CiteFactor:
The Journal is indexed in ICI Journals Master List of Index Copernicus: (ICV 2017: 55.50) (ICV 2018: 78.80) (ICV 2019: 84.81) (ICV 2020: 80.38) (ICV 2021: 96.55) (ICV 2022: 77.84) (ICV 2023: 95.48)