Good Life/Good Existence [Belle Vie / Belle Existence] (Introduction to the Ukrainian Translation of the Interview “Foucault in the Valley of Death”).

: 49-50
Received: December 25, 2021
Accepted: February 26, 2022
Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after Stepan Gzhytskyi

This is an important interview for understanding Michel Foucault's creative evolution. It was conducted by American scholar Heather Dandes in 2017. It is translated into Ukrainian for the first time. Clermont High School professor Simeon Wade and his friend, musician Michael Stoneman, invited Foucault to take part in a journey to Death Valley in June 1975. The philosopher accepted the proposal. They spent two days and one night in the desert. Foucault described this experience as one of the most important in his life.

Foucault, M. (1994). Á propos de la généalogie de l'éthique : un aperçu du travail en cours. Dits et Ecrits, Vol. 4 (1980-1988), 383-412. Paris: Gallimard.