Information Technologies for Popularization Increase of Commercial Internet Resources

: pp. 1 - 12
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The study showed that at the present stage of development of information technology, portable devices account for more than half of all Internet traffic, and its consideration is mandatory in the process of promoting commercial Internet resources. Given that the authors have analyzed the main approaches to promotion in the article and showed that an important aspect of promotion is to support Mobile First technology. During the study, the mechanisms of operation of well-known search engines were analyzed and the emphasis was placed on the operation of the Google system, which is the most common in Ukraine. The analysis of the commercial segment showed that the need to create a mobile version is determined by the following three factors: search delivery, loyalty and conversion. Further work was aimed at identifying and researching the parameters that most influence the process of ranking the mobile version of the resource. The speed of the Internet resource; size and design of pages; quantity and quality of backlinks; dynamic display of content is defined and mathematically described among them, in accordance with Mobile First. Two strategies for the promotion of commercial Internet resources using Mobile First technology have been developed. The initial strategy includes a list of recommendations that should be applied in the process of creating a new Internet resource, adaptive – aimed at customers who already have a working resource. The peculiarities of the decision-making method - the decision tree used in the designed system in the process of forming recommendations are described. The apparatus of algorithms algebra for synthesis of the models demonstrating the basic stages of popularization of commercial Internet resources according to Mobile Friendly technology is applied. The development of a software product that works in demo mode, which implements these promotion strategies in accordance with Mobile First has become the result of the study.

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