Lviv Polytechnic National University
Master of Journalism, proofreader of online media "Matrix"

In times of intense competition on the media, every editorial online media is constantly searching for the best selling method of its information product. Every editor of the online 82 media is think about the question: as soon as possible and best to deliver the publication to the audience and encourage them to read, but at the same time adapting to the needs of each reader. There are many tools for promoting media products on the Internet, and every year they improve and change, and appear new tools promotion media on the internet. The Internet and network media are in constant development, therefore, the general theoretical aspects of the functioning of the media sector of journalism remain at the stage of formation and study. But there are few scientific papers that would describe them and tell them how to use them. And this despite the demand for such information. The article presents innovative methods of marketing of Ukrainian media on the Internet. They were selected as a result of the analysis of the promoting of Ukrainian mass media on the Internet. Media on the World Wide Web is distributed and advertised in several ways, namely through social media, homepage ads, keyword distribution through search services, Push-message, banner ads, traditional media, e-mail, and sms-mailing, through applications for a variety of devices. With such a tool, content in the online media acquires new properties and can be modified depending on the needs of the user. The main function of such promotion is to popularize the media, attract more users to it and increase the attendance of mass media publications on the Internet. Each method also helps to establish two-way communication with readers, improve content and improve methods for promoting media publications on the Internet.

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