
Dynamic Monitoring Of The Historic Centre Buildings For A Solar Elements Arrangement

The possibilities of integrating the solar power elements into formed environment of historic cities are considered in the article. Using the example of a historic city area of Chernivtsi it has been realized a multi-level dynamic monitoring of the buildings and presented the results of preliminary calculations of an energy efficiency of a roof photoelectric elements installation.

Експериментальні дослідження бездіафрагмової прольотної будови моста під час реконструкції

Тechnique and results of static tests of reinforced concrete without-diaphragm span structure before and after reconstruction are described.

Особливості реконструкції залізобетонних однопрольотних малих мостів

Examples of reconstruction of small concrete bridges with extension dimension by monolithic slab and strengthening beams, change static scheme are described.

Strength and deformability of normal cross sections of reinforced concrete beams, reinforced in the tension area with additional sheet reinforcement without the bond

The results of the experimental research of the strength and deformability of normal cross sections of reinforced concrete beams reinforced in tension area with additional sheet reinforcement without the bond.

Дослідження просторової роботи залізобетонної перехресно-ребристої балкової пролітної будови до та після розширення і підсилення накладною плитою

he design, methodology and results of the static tests of cross-ribbed reinforced concrete span structure by TP no. 56 before and after the reconstruction are described. Experimental study served as a model for reinforced concrete beam cross-ribbed span structure calculation span of 21.6 m and a clearance Г-6+2×0,85 m, built in 1969 by