
Reconstruction of cenozoic paleostress fields in the flysch complex of the Opir river valley (Skyba nappe, Ukrainian Carpathians)

Purpose. Reconstruction of paleostress fields, as evidence of many publications of different parts of the Carpathians, can carried out through research the most common brittle and semibrittle structure – joints, slickensides, faults, regional and local folds, or complex research of joints and slickensides. The purpose of this paper is to reconstruct the paleostress fields and deformation regimes of flysch deposits in Opir River Valley using complex analysis of joints and slickensides.

Deformational structures and stress field of the south-western Crimea in the context of the evolution of Western-Black basin

The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the deformations of the mesolevel (slickensides, fractures, faults) in the rock complexes of different age, to reconstruct the stress fields which corresponds to them. The results of interpretation will be compared with the previous studies as well as with known seismic sections and with earthquake focal mechanisms of Crimean-Caucasian seismogenic zone , analyzing them in the context of tectonic evolution of Western-Blak Sea Basin. To define the tectonic stages, specifying the age of deformation. Methodology.