Поняття та функції кадастру та використання іноземного досвіду у створенні польського кадастру

Вармінський та Мазурський університети

In Europe we can find the different kinds of land cadastre. Sometimes it is oriented in law or fiscal aspects, in other cases the most important is a cartographic view of land ownership relations or an information demand of physical and law persons. Generally we can state, the modern polish land cadastre - which is build - should use the broad field foreign experience in this area. We start with the building cadastre now on the new law basis - the Geodesy and Cartography act 2001. In the new Cadastre system we have building and flat properties as well as traditional Cadastre data, public statistical data, total taxation data, spatial economy projects and plans data. All the data are led in the informatic, computer technology.

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