
Принципи побудови інтерфейсу користувача кіберфізичної системи

Розглянуто принципи та запропоновано рекомендації щодо розроблення інтерфейсів користувача для кіберфізичної системи. Наведено методи взаємодії кіберфізичної системи з ВЕБсервісами, для ефективного їх використання. Реалізовано інтерфейс користувача для кіберфізичної системи у вигляді ВЕБ-сервісу. Подано принципи побудови ВЕБ-сервісів, проведено аналіз наявних архітектур ВЕБ-сервісів. Виділено основні проблемні місця, повязані з проектуванням сервісів на основі RESTта SOAP архітектур.

Research and Design of the Multifunctional Cyber-Physical System of Testing Computer Performance in WAN

A multifunctional cyber-physical system for monitoring and testing remote computers in the WAN has been developed. This cyber-physical system has been built using microservice architecture. The system has used a website as a graphical interface, which in turn communicates with the main query separator, namely a web server. In addition, the database and the AES-256 encryption algorithm has been used to simplify data work, and to increase system security from external interventions.

Quality of service guarantee and business processes optimization in distributed systems based on service-oriented architecture

Today more and more business processes are using different telecommunication and information technologies to facilitate and improve business efficiency. Each business process is organized as a sequence of components which cooperate together in order to achieve common goal. This goal is to provide high quality services for clients. The main component that is used for building such systems is web-service. Web-service is a component that incapsulates a set of functions that can be invoked remotely over the Internet.

Application of mathematical models for improvement of “cloud” data processes organization

The paper presents the main approaches to distributed organization of data in computer networks processing and organization of distributed applications. The main approaches to organization of distributed computing systems are described. The conception of GRID computing and comparative analysis of technologies and architectures of "cloud computing" and GRID systems creation are outlined. The estimations of the advantages and disadvantages of computing processes in web-systems are presented. The analysis of analytical models of cloud computing nodes is made.