Branches of application of pressure distributive pipelines are presented. Critical analysis of known methods of reduction of non-uniformity of dispensation of fluid from pressure pipelines along the path has been analyzed. It has been shown that mobile regulation of fluid dispensation from pressure pipelines can be achieved by means of installation of cylindrical nozzles with lateral and orthogonal to the longitudinal axis inflow of a stream-line into the nozzle, provided the nozzles can be rotated about their longitudinal axes in the course of operation. The suggested technique of regulation of fluid dispensation from pressure pipelines is obtained due to solution of the differential equation of variable flow rate fluid flow. An investigational bench for experimental determination of values of coefficient of flow rate of cylinder-shaped nozzles with lateral inflow of stream-line, which are installed in a pressure distributive pipeline with the possibility of rotation about longitudinal axes of the nozzles, has been manufactured. The coefficient of flow rate of these nozzles depends on the angle β between the direction of water stream flow in the distributing pipeline and the direction of the outflowing jet. The angle β can be changed by means of rotating the nozzle about its longitudinal axis.

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