recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments

Recognition and enforcement of Ukrainian judgments in the EU States

The article is devoted to the analysis of possibilities and means of recognition of
Ukrainian judgments in the EU member states, which do not have agreements on legal aid with
Ukraine, and consequently do not have the reciprocity principle fixed in writing. On the
examples of Sweden, UK, Germany and the Netherlands the normative regulation allowing to
enforce Ukrainian judgments is analyzed. As a result of the research, two types of means of
recognition are distinguished: direct and indirect

Enforcement of foreign judgements within EU

The article is devoted to the analysis of the means of recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments, made in the EU, under the normative regulation of EU. In particular, the instruments of enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial cases are investigated. There are distinguished separate means of enforcement of judgments in the cases with or without dispute, as well as in small claims cases.