The article implemented mathematical modelling of processes of heat-mass-transfer and viscous-elastic deformation in in hygroscopic capillary-porous materials with variable anisotropic heat and mechanics characteristics what is of importance for the rational choice and substantiation of energy conservative technologies of timber drying under the conditions of necessary qualitative production providing. There has been implemented the formulated mathematical model of timber deformation during the drying process which enables to identify two-dimensional intense-deforming state under the conditions of diffusion-filtration heat and moisture transfer of the finite elements method. This method has been developed for the research of the two-dimensional anisotropic intense-deforming state during the capillaryporous materials drying process in an viscous-elastic area of deformation. As a result of calculable experiments regularity of anisotropy influence of thermo-physical and mechanical descriptions of wood were set it initial humidity on changing of two-dimensional temperaturehumidity and viscous-elastic state of wood during the convective drying.
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