The article considers the possibility and priority of using the Internet of Things, especially its implementation in the surface water monitoring system. The feasibility of developing a complex system of interactive monitoring of surface water using IoT technologies has been substantiated, such a system will significantly improve water monitoring in real-time and ensure the gradual implementation of new sensor capabilities, such as collecting data on the deviation of parameters from the specified normative indicators of water quality in natural reservoirs. An interactive system for intelligent monitoring of water quality in natural reservoirs using Internet of Things technologies and tools has been developed, among others, the Node MCU 1.0 Wi-Fi microcontroller based on the ESP8266 microcontroller was used, as well as PH4502s analog sensor, the DHT-11 water and environmental temperature sensor, the DFRobot water turbidity and signal conversion board V2. The results were displayed on a 2.2- inch QVGA TFT LCD. The microcontroller unit (MCU) is connected to the sensors and further processing is performed on the server unit. The choice of a cloud server was justified, and the transfer of received data was transferred to the cloud using IoT-based ThingSpeak open-source software for water quality monitoring. The computer design environment Autodesk was used to increase the efficiency of design, in particular, the arrangement of elements, ensuring functionality, and ergonomics. The software and hardware of the device were designed with open-source software Fritzing and Arduino (IDE). Based on the obtained statistical data about the quality of water in natural reservoirs, a modern network of smart devices was implemented, such a network is a monitoring and notification system, which considers the linking of data to the time and place of positioning. Features of obtaining data on the results of water quality monitoring in natural reservoirs in real time for consumers were presented, with such monitoring, it is possible to predict and take the necessary measures to prevent possible negative impacts.
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