In order to participate in the conference and publish report materials, it is necessary to send to the e-mail by September 10, 2024 the following:
- report materials, prepared according to the requirements (file name in the format: 1_Surname _Name_conf, where 1 is the number of the thematic area);
- application for participation in the conference (file name in the format: 1_Surname _Name_zayavka, can be downloaded from the website);
- (optional) extended materials of the report with the specified edition for publication, designed in accordance with the requirements of this edition.
IMPORTANT! A necessary requirement for the materials publication is the presentation of a report at the conference by one of the co-authors.
! Students and postgraduates prepare a publication in co-authorship with their supervisor.
The volume of works should be 2-3 pages (with a list of used sources). The last page should be at least 80% full. The materials of the reports should correspond to the scientific topic of the conference and may be prepared by one or several authors. One author may submit no more than three materials.
The work should contain the relevance of the research, the methods and materials, the results of research, their practical value, and conclusions.
Language of the publication – English.
The authors bear responsibility for the content of materials and spelling!
The text must be typed in the text editor MS Word ( .doc or .docx). Page format – A4 (210 mm, 297 mm); margin parameters: top, bottom, left and right - 2 cm. Font – Times New Roman; size – 12; line spacing – single; paragraph indent – 1,25 cm.
The format of the list of used sources is indicated at the end of the text in Italic (the words “List of used sources” are not placed). The used sources are presented in the order of references to them in the text and are formatted according to the rules of APA.
Report materials that do not meet the requirements for their design or are sent after the specified deadline will not be accepted for consideration!
Formatting procedure:
1st line – full name of the author / co-authors (Bold, 12 pt). Alignment - left.
2nd line – place of work, city, country, e-mail (Italic) Alignment - left.
3rd line – an empty line.
4th line – presentation topic (UPPERCASE, bold). Alignment is in the center.
5th line – an empty line.
From the 6th line – the main text.
After one line – a list of used sources.
Taras Ivanchuk1, Hanna Deles2
1. Mazza D, Tarchi D, Juan A. (2022). Advanced technologies in smart cities. Energies, 15(13): 4764: 1–3. 10.3390/en15134764 |
On the recommendation of the Program Committee, the extended materials of the reports that have undergone expert review and thorough assessment can be published in the specialized issue “Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology” or on, as well as in Springer (at the stage of agreement).
- Preparation of extended works for issue in CEUR
The format and style should correspond to the CEUR template, layouts should be designed with 1 column (see CEUR-Template-1col). An example of formatting with short explanations can be downloaded from the link. The minimum volume is 10 pages. Materials should be submitted in WORD and PDF format. Each paper has at least one author with at least 5 papers listed in DBLP! - Extended works to the publication “Ukrainian Journal of Information Technologies” should be submitted in accordance with the requirements of the Journal.