Materials submitted by conference participants will be published in the book of abstracts.
Abstracts should be submitted in Ukrainian and English languages (for international participants - only in English) and contain up to 500 words in each language (WORD, Times New Roman Cyr 14). Abstracts should be sent to the email address of the organizing committee.
Title of the presentation should be centered and printed in capitals. In a separate line, please specify the surname and initials of the author, academic degree and academic title, full name of the organization, institution or company where the author works, city and country. Leave one line blank and provide the text of the abstract (printed in a single interval).
Images (max. 2 black-and-white images) should be located in the text of the abstract and also sent in separate jpg files (300 dpi).
Presentations can be made in Рower Point. A file with your presentation should be provided to the organizing committee at registration.
Accommodation costs will be paid by conference participants.
Organizers will not be able to help you with search and reservation of accommodation.