There was considered the methods and approaches to the construction of "smart house" systems. Reviewed the level of intellectualization of modern buildings, which depending on the equipment of engineering systems. Conducted an analysis of requirements for "smart house" systems and determined the main expectations of owners of dwellings from the introduction of these systems, in particular, energy saving, level of comfort and safety. There was conducted the research on the main technologies and methods of control of "smart house" systems. An approach based on a mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic is proposed to develop an effective system of temperature control. Developed the architecture of the system, defined the main modules and their functions. Implemented an algorithm for determining the comfort of the room. Defined the basic term sets are formed, linguistic variables and membership functions, compiled the table of fuzzy rules. Developed the method of combining cut off functions and estimating fuzzy rules based on Mamdani algorithm. This technique allows using the evaluation of the internal and external air temperature using the rules of fuzzy logic to determine how to adjust the temperature to comfortable values.
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