Concurrent error detaction of devices for extended galois fields elements processing

: pp. 64 - 72
Lebanese International University, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Engineering Department, Software Department
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Computer Engineering Department
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Binary codes of extended Galois fields elements are redundant, some of them never appear at the normal operation of the devices for processing of such field elements. Unused (forbidden) code combinations can be used to organize on-line testing (concurrent error detection) of the specified devices. The appearance of any forbidden combination will be a sign of error. The paper compares the various extended Galois fields with the possibility of on-line testing organization, the fields that best ensure its holding are determined. It is noted that there are no bits for the codes of the Galois field elements that have strictly different values in the allowed and prohibited codes. It is suggested to evaluate the possibility of realizing the testing by the ratio of the number of forbidden combinations to the total number of combinations or to the number of permitted combinations. To achieve the greatest diagnostic effect, it is recommended to use fields with characteristics that are the first prime number greater than degree of 2. In terms of testing price, the best is the GF(3m) field, for which it is necessary to define only one forbidden code combination, which provides detection of all forbidden codes. When using the Galois GF(dm) fields under consideration, the minimum coding distance for the codes of each digit of the code is 1. This indicates that it is impossible to detect 100 % of all even single errors in the work of the considered devices in the proposed way. Searching for a logical expression for an error sign is based on the division of groups of consecutive forbidden codes into subgroups. For each subgroup, the bits of its codes are divided into 2 parts, so that the senior bits of each subgroup code remain unchanged, and the younger ones acquire all possible values from 0...0 to 1...1. Then, to the minimized logical error expressions in this subgroup of codes, only the unchanged top bits will enter. Then only the immutable older bits will enter the minimized error expression in this subgroup of codes. The hardware complexity of the proposed method quadratically depends on the number of bits, which encodes one section of the extended Galois fields elements code.

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