The problem of monitoring a computer network under conditions of limitations on the use of system resources and high requirements for the survivability of the monitoring system has been considered. An autonomous decentralized computer network monitoring system has been developed, consisting of a team of software agents. Each agent can operate in two modes: main mode and monitoring system management console mode. In the main mode, the agent collects information about the computer network. In management console mode, the agent provides the user with access to information collected by all agents and allows the user to execute commands to manage the monitoring system.
The developed monitoring system allows you to obtain more reliable information about the operation of the network with greater efficiency under the conditions of limitations on the use of system resources specified by the user. The autonomous monitoring system is created on the basis of the concept of multi-agent systems, within which a software agent of the system has some initiative for planning and implementing monitoring scenarios. The operation of software agents implements methods for organizing adaptive processes for collecting information using the principles of self-organization and the concept of structural adaptation.
A decentralized software architecture for an autonomous monitoring system without a control center has been proposed. This ensures high reliability and survivability of the monitoring system. The software architecture of the autonomous monitoring system implements the SMA application software interface and the corresponding software library, which allows you to collect statistical data on the operation of the computer network and its nodes. The implementation of a software agent and a management console for an autonomous computer network monitoring system has been considered.
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