Methods and Means of Ensuring Stability and Protection of Radio Communications in a Complex Electromagnetic Environment

: pp. 99 - 107
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Information Protection
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Information Protection

The article contains a review of a wide range of methods and means to ensure the stability of communication and protection of radio transmissions, including encryption, frequency hopping, the use of directional antennas, masking, and interference-resistant coding.

Based on the conducted review and analysis, conclusions were made about the possibility of applying these methods and means of protection in popular unmanned devices today. Aspects of protection that were not covered by classical protection methods were identified. A method for improving the fault tolerance and availability of the UAV communication channel is proposed, even for working conditions under the influence of electronic warfare means.

The conclusions and recommendations made open up prospects for further research in this direction and will significantly increase the “survivability” of unmanned devices

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