A large number of different methods is used in the industry for gases purification from hydrogen sulfide. Most of the early classifications of these methods are distinguished by the aggregate state of the sorbent. It is shown that such a classification does not fully cover existing industrial methods of purifying gases from hydrogen sulfide.
It is proposed to use the classification of methods of gases purification from hydrogen sulfide by the processes that occur during the hydrogen sulfide removing. This classification divides the methods of purification into non-conversion (adsorption, membrane, absorption and chemisorption processes) that occur without the chemical interaction of hydrogen sulfide, and the conversion - with its interaction and transformation. As a result of non-conversion processes, concentrated sulfur-containing gas is produced, which requires its further processing or utilization. It is implemented by one of the conversion methods. Conversion methods make it possible to obtain sulfur or other sulfur-containing products during oxidation (catalytic, biological, liquid-oxidation processes) or decomposition of hydrogen sulfide (plasmochemical and electrochemical processes).
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