: 69-73
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

To optimization of the biotechnology functional dairy beverages production and comprehensive study of the physiological and technological characteristics of industrial producers werestudied. As was shown, an important factor for their cultivation and the definition of the final characteristics of the commodity productsis the optimization of the growth medium.

 Market dairy products, in particular yoghurts, can be used to obtaining new probiotic beverages. The production of functional beverages and control of this process is relevant, as in the cases of child's food and the therapy of children with dysbiosis in the world. In recent years, dairy products received by fermentation of milk by lactic acid fermentation are actively used. As a result of this process, the bioproduct havean ability to inhibit the pathogenic microflora, to accelerate the absorbtion of trace elements, to improve the digestion and assimilation of nutrients.

The mostproposed marketing yogurts for child's food of Ukrainian producers were selected as the objects of research. Organoleptic, chemical, physical-chemical, microbiological methods of research were used. The active and titrated acidity of the received bioproducts, presence of starch and preservatives in samples of industrial yoghurts were determined.

The samples selection for study wasbased on a social questioning of the most used dairy products among a certain age group.

An anonymous independent evaluation of the obtained fermented beverages showed that in the first passage all of them were corresponded tothe organoleptic requirements for dairy products.

All selected industrial yogurts really contained active lactic acid bacteria. After 24 hours of cultivation we obtained fermented bioproducts with satisfying indexes of titrated acidity (96-1150Т) and optimal organoleptic characteristics. The total quantity of acid-forming bacteria varied from 106 to 107 CFU/ml, which accord whith technological standards.

During determining of possible nutritional supplements, in particular, starch in the studied yogurts, the Lugol solution was used. As the standard was used a domestic dairy product with one day of storage. Most of the samples did not contain starch.

The presence of preservatives in child's food products is considered unacceptable. In this case the  modified by us, but not yet certified method was proposed . For it implementation, a certain volume of samples was sown with Aspergillus niger. The samples were cultivated in the thermostat during 3 days before the appearance of black color due to the development of mold on the substrate surface have appeared.

The experiments that conducted allowed to determine some technological, microbiological, physical and chemical characteristics of industrial yoghurts for child's food and fermented beverages on their basis. The obtained data can be used in industry control methods, for researchin and laboratory works in the disciplines "General microbiology and virology", "Hygienic principles of food safety" for students of speciality “Biotechnology”.

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