Specific electrical resistance as an indicator ordering of coke structure

: 78-85
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» department of oil, gas and solid fuel processing technology
State University of Economics and Technology
Technical University of Ostrava
State Enterprise «State Institute for Designing Enterprises of Coke Oven and By-Product
National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute»

The influence of the coking process temperature on the resistivity of coke was studied. Taking into account that the resistivity and post-reaction strength are affected by some common factors, such as temperature level and coke readiness, which indicates the orderliness of its structure, the relationship between these indicators was established. The analysis of dependencies and their statistical evaluation indicates that the studied relationships are characterized by high values of correlation coefficients (0,77-0,84) and determination (59,29-70,56 %)

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