The article should correspond to the topics of the scientific journal and the current state of science, to be relevant, not previously published in other scientific publications. The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of the material, the absence of plagiarism and the correctness of the conclusions, the correctness of the quotation of scientific sources and references to them.
Electronic versions of manuscripts of articles are sent to the editorial board of the journal "Chemistry, technology and application of substances " at the following e-mail address: and submit a printout on standard A4 paper. AT THE SAME TIME with the electronic version of the article its abstract is submitted in Ukrainian and English with a single file (two abstracts in one file). The file names are as follows: for the article - the last name of the first author in English and the current year, (example faramushka2019); for the abstract is the last name of the first author in English, the current year and the prefix ref (example faramushka2019_ref). The volume of the abstract is 1800 characters. Requirements for registration of abstracts are similar to the requirements for the design of the article (initials and surnames of authors, title, title of the article; text of the abstract). The article and abstract are sent in .doc format. If the article meets all requirements, then it is directed to the reviewer. After the remarks of the reviewer, the responsible secretary or the editor-in-chief, the attachment ver2, ver3, etc. are added to the title. (example faramushka2019_ver2).
The materials should be submitted to the publication in full scope. The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles that do not correspond to its subject matter, as well as those articles that are not executed in accordance with these requirements.
Page charge. There is no page charge.
Contents of the magazine consists of the main profile sections, which are supervised by the members of the editorial board and which recommend the manuscript of the article before publication:
• Analytical chemistry. Physical and colloid chemistry. Inorganic chemistry Organic Chemistry
• Technology of inorganic substances and silicate materials
• Technology of organic compounds, technology processing of oil and gas
• Pharmacy
• Fermentation technologies, biotechnology
• Chemical engineering and ecology
• Macromolecular compounds and (nano)composite materials
The scientific article should contain the following essential elements:
1. Introduction (problem statement, analysis of sources of information).
2. The purpose of the study.
3. Materials and methods of research.
4. Results of research and discussion.
5. Conclusions.
6. Literature.
The texts of the articles are typed in the Microsoft Word according to the following requirements:
1. The format of the publication A4 (210x297 mm).
• indents: to the left - 1.8 cm, to the right - 1.8 cm, to the top - 2 cm, to the bottom - 2.7 cm; to the header - 1,25 cm, to the bottom - 1,6 cm.
2. Main text: Times New Roman headset, font-size 11. Indentation of the first line - 1 cm. Spacing interval - 1.1. Exception by format.
3. Rubrication.
The first line to the right indicates - authors through comma and space (n / a), exclusion - to the right. First, indicate the initials, and then the last name. The initials of the authors are separated from each other by a space. If there are authors from different organizations in the article, after the author's surname and before the organization's name, the numbering is done using the top index;
- the name of the organization and the unit in which the authors work and the author's e-mail address for correspondence, the exception to the right;
- article title in Ukrainian – Times New Roman, 14, capital letters, n / a, p / p;
- abstract in Ukrainian (approximately 60 words) (p / w, indent to the left - 1 cm, indent of the first line - 1 cm);
- keywords in Ukrainian (5-8 words) (p / w, indent to the left - 1 cm, indent of the first line - 1 cm);
- authors in English through commas and space (n / a), exclusion - to the right
- title of the article in English – Times New Roman, 14, capital letters, n / a, p / p;
- abstract in English (approximately 60 words) (p / w, indent to the left - 1 cm, indent of the first line - 1 cm);
- keywords in English (5-8 words) (p / f, indent to the left - 1 cm, indent of the first line - 1 cm);
If the article is written in English, a reversal procedure is used (initially, all data in English).
- subtitles in articles - Times New Roman, 11, in lower case, n / a.
4. Drawings and graphics in the article insert a page or column apart - depending on size. Underwriting signature Times New Roman, 10, italics. All figures and graphs are executed in the form of individual objects in size, which correspond to the parameters of the page. The drawings are signed and numbered (if more than one) under the drawing, in the center of the text (abbreviation: Fig. Number).
The * .tif, * .psd, * jpg formats (300 dpi resolution) are imported into the Word file using the Insert / Draw menu. Black and white illustrations - Grayscale, colored - CMYK Color. Black and white drawings created in Excel, Visio Drawing, WordPad, CorelDRAW programs are imported into the Word file using the menu: Insert / Object to enable transformation, color - converted to * .tif, * .psd, * jpg format (300 dpi, CMYK Color).
The drawings created with Word are grouped and should be available for correction.
The possibility to print colored illustrations must be agreed with the editorial board of the magazine.
5. Tables are presented as separate objects in MS Excel format or in MS Word with the sizes given to the compilation page. The table is preceded by a numbered heading (for example, Table 1) - 11 digits, on the right side of the table, in italics. The main text of the table (in graphs) is given by 10 cgs. The names of the tables are placed in the center of the page by 11 digits, p / w, direct.
6. Formulas are given in Equation 3-5 format, aligned in the middle of the text and numbered in round brackets on the right edge. Font by definition MS Word: normal - 11 pt, large index - 9 pt, small index - 7 pt, large character - 18 pt, small symbol - 11 pt.
Elements of formulas should be marked in accordance with their functional application (sin x: sin - function, x - variable). Marks of mathematical, physical and other variables in the text and formulas should be written in italics, except for sin, cos, tg, ctg, etc.; numbers (criteria) Re, Nu, Gr, Ar, Pr, Eu, etc .; rot, div, grad, const, etc .; signs with the letters of the Greek alphabet or numbers.
Indices in these values should be written in plain letters of the Ukrainian and Greek alphabets and numbers, and in italics - in letters of the Latin alphabet. If the index consists of one reduction, then the point after it is not put, if from several abbreviations, then the point is put only in intermediate abbreviations, except for the latter. In the dimensions of the quantities both letters and numbers are written in direct font. The designation of the vector can be made in two ways: either the letter in italics, with an arrow over it, or the capital letter is not italic, for example w.
7. The chemical formulas and reaction schemes are placed on the center of the page. For registration of chemical formulas it is necessary to use ISIS Draw or ChemDraw, Arial headset, the size of the letters is 10, the length of communication is 0.51 cm. The width of the circuit is no more than 17.5. In the scheme it is necessary to specify all reaction conditions: above the arrow - reagents, catalysts and solvents, under the arrow - temperature, time and output. If the conditions of the reaction strongly load the scheme, they can be transferred to the end of the scheme by decoding the letter indexes, for example i: HCl, H2O, 80 ° C, 5 hours. The same literal index should be indicated above the arrow of the corresponding reaction.
8. Literature: numbering from the first line. headset Times New Roman, volume 11, italics. Minimum number of literary references 13. 80% must be not later than 2000, not more than 30% of self-citations. The list of literary sources is made in accordance with one of the most popular international standards of the ARA (American Psychological Association (APA) Style). Information about the American APA (APA) Style (APA) can be found on the site ( To submit citations according to the ARA style can be found on the site of online automatic link formation:;
9. The page numbering is centered at the bottom of the page.
To simplify the preparation of electronic versions of articles, it is recommended to use the CTAS_shablon style file (template) with the specified styles and parameters of the document in accordance with the requirements for writing articles in the journal "Chemistry, technology of substances and their applications". You can download the template at the site
The electronic and paper versions must be identical.