Banking system of Germany and characteristics of government control of the bank crisis of 2008 – 2010


O. Buriak

The banking system of Germany and characteristics of government control of the bank crisis of 2008-2010 are examined. The banking system of Germany is marked to be one of the most developed ones on the European continent. The German bank model was taken as a basis for functioning of the European central bank (ECB) due to the introduction of the new currency, the euro. It is noted that the world financial crisis had a negative effect on Germany. At the beginning of the year 2009, the government of Germany offered and confirmed the most large-scale among the EU countries anti-crisis plan for stimulation of the national economy. The main characteristics of the German anti-crisis model are: strengthening the role of the state in adjustment of market relations, as well as interference in the economy by means of the state budget, support of small and medium-sized enterprises.

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