: 69-80
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Nort Anatolian Development Agency Kastamonu University

Purpose – It consists in generalizing the system of financial monitoring of working capital, aimed at improving the efficiency of its use in industrial enterprises of Ukraine (on the example of PJSC Ukrnafta) and developing methodological approaches to forming a working capital management system in a market economy, the implementation of which will help ensure the competitiveness of economic entities.

Design/methodology/approach – In order to achieve the stated goal, the following methods are used in the article: to characterize the aggregate indicators of the state and dynamics of working capital – tabular and graphical; in order to assess the state of working capital – coefficient analysis; to identify the features of the formation and placement of working capital of the enterprise – a comparative analysis; to determine the close relationship of working capital with the balance sheet, statement of financial performance and external factors – correlation; to study domestic and foreign experience in conducting research and using various methods to assess the effectiveness of working capital management – monograph; to detail the object of study and study its structural and functional components – analysis and synthesis; to justify the need for new scientific concepts and approaches to determining the nature of working capital – logical; to formulate conclusions – abstract-logical method.

Conclusions – Based on the above, it can be stated that the formation and replenishment of working capital in the amount necessary for a smooth operating cycle, should be considered one of the main problems for the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. The stable functioning and dynamic development of the business entity depend on its solution. The activity of the enterprise can be considered effective only when it allows not only to rationally form but also to provide an active systematic search for sources of working capital replenishment for its further development.

Practical implications – The practical implementation of the proposed measures to improve the efficiency of formation and use of working capital will allow the most efficient use of own resources to ensure stable financial performance. The analysis carried out is the basis for the development of measures for the effective management of working capital, and ultimately for strengthening the financial condition of the organization.

Originality/value – The proposed method of assessing the functioning of working capital reflects the relationship between individual indicators and makes it possible to assess the functioning of working capital of industrial enterprises of Ukraine from the standpoint of its state, sources of formation, and use. The working capital analysis model can be applied to the management of working capital in other, smaller enterprises of the industrial sector to make full use of the economic potential of enterprises, maintaining their competitiveness and financial stability.

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