The construction of an effective state in the modern world: an analysis of concepts and approaches


S. Opanasenko

Within the limits of this article the theoretical and methodological analysis of the essence and main concepts of constructing an effective state is described, it describes it as a new quality of the state organization of society, the theoretical identification of an effective state presented by various national schools is implemented, conceptual and methodological contradictions concerning its understanding are revealed, the main problems, which characteristic for the construction of an effective state within the limits of national research schools, methodological aspects concerning the concrete its structural elements, systematized the basic concepts of constructing an effective state (“managerial, managerial state”, “limited state”, “resource state”, “paternalistic state”, “democratic state”, “strong state”), defines the main indicators of the level of state efficiency, among them: economic growth, active participation and public support of state policy, establishment of an appropriate level of publicity of the functioning of state institutions, the ability of state institutions to implement appropriate modernization projects, implementing a series of reforms in the public administration.

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