For Authors

Based on the positive results of the joint review with the publisher, the best articles on the conference materials may be published іn LNCE by Springer (WoS and Scopus Databases)​.
One author can co-author no more than two articles.

IMPORTANT! Special requirements from Publisher.

Here is a list of key style points on manuscript structure, figure resolution, reference style, etc., which – if considered during manuscript preparation – will help facilitate and speed up the publication process for the book. For easy reference please visit the Key Style Points ( on For more detailed information, please visit the Book Manuscript Guidelines ( on

Please note that all illustrations will be available in full color in the eBook but may be black and white in the printed book. If color is essential for individual figures in the printed version, please list the corresponding figures in a separate spreadsheet.
To facilitate online searching, using e.g. Google, please provide an abstract for each of your chapters. Abstracts will appear online at with unrestricted access and enable unregistered users to read the abstract as a teaser for the complete chapter.
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Third-party content is defined as any material within the manuscript that is not your original work. Third-party content may consist of text passages, figures, photos, poems, song lyrics, screenshots, etc. and be found in many places such as, but not limited to, the Internet, print and online books and articles, theses, annual reports, conference material, photocopies, course packages, and translations. In particular, you should pay close attention to sensitive images containing identifiable persons, logos, brands/trademarks, images from agencies, or from the Internet as well as text content such as song lyrics, poems, interviews, social media content, and references to commercial entities.
Every author is responsible for clearing the rights for any third-party content. It is recommended to keep all quotations and inclusion of copyrighted material to a minimum wherever possible, as gaining permissions can be time-consuming and expensive for the author.
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Attached please find the „Contributor Agreement“ form. All authors submitting papers to a contributed volume must grant specific permission to publish the work. This is a legal requirement that arises from provisions of copyright law and acts as additional protection for the author. Each corresponding author should print the form, enter the title of the chapter as well as the names of the authors at the top of the form and sign it. Important: details of the chapter authors (sequence, names, name, and affiliation of the corresponding author) given in the Contributor Agreement should be complete, final, and correspond to the details given in the manuscript. As this is a legal document, any changes cannot be accepted at a later stage.
All chapter authors (corresponding authors, co-authors, contributing authors) include their affiliation and email address in their manuscript. Their email addresses (also published in the chapters) will be used by Springer to provide authors with a personal MySpringer account where they can download a free copy of the eBook.
Feel free to visit the Author & Reviewer Tutorials ( and find more valuable tips on publishing your book on information pages (

1. Submission of publication.

Article for submission is in English and abstract with information about authors. No more than 5 co-authors are allowed for one article.

The volume of the article – 6-14 pages. The volume of abstract - not more than 150/200 words.

Authors submit fully formatted electronic versions of papers prepared in accordance with the following requirements, typed in WORD-2003, 2007 – files * .doc and files * .docx, * .docm – not accepted (please, use the template)

Figures in separate JPG files and statement, which can be downloaded with the template (that the article was not published or submitted for publication in any other domestic and abroad journals) should be sent to the following by e-mail:

The scientific publication should take into account the requirements of international scientometric databases (SciVerse Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) for scientific papers.

2. Requirements for writing articles - please use the template as a primary source, which can be downloaded from the main page of the EcoComfort 2024 conference website.

The main material of the article should have the following elements:

Introduction (problem statement, analysis of recent research...)
Scientific novelty and practical significance;
The structure of a paper:

a complete list of (co)authors (initials and surnames, order number on the list and in addition to co-author for correspondence – an asterisk (superscript)) – in the second, or following lines;
information about (co)authors: footnote (superscript – Arabic numeral and further asterisk for the corresponding author) [if there are two or more authors], the place of work, postal address (building, house, street, town, country) for (co)author for correspondence – additionally telephone numbers, fax, e-mail (obligatory!).
title of the paper;
abstract (one paragraph, not more than 150/200 words ) – should be structured (logically describe the results in the paper) and must contain the following elements of their explicit allocation: aim, methods, results, scientific novelty, practical significance;
keywords (up to 6 of certain words and/or in multiple combinations, in which can be a comma);
the main text of the paper is placed like a template;
references are given like in the template.
Requirements for a list of references:

volume – 20-40 sources;
all sources must have a specified citation index, i.e. sources that are included in international scientometric databases with high impact influence or with a specified weblink
most of the references (including the original foreign sources) must be not older than the 2000 year;
it is allowed no more than 30 % self-referencing on each of the co-authors.

The presence of references in the paper is mandatory!
– abstract in form of one column: full list of (co) authors (transliterated initials and surnames on the list and in addition to the co-author (for correspondence) – asterisk (superscript)); information about the (co) authors (transliterated names of organizations and streets); the title of the article; abstract (one paragraph, with volume, not more than 150/200 words) should be structured (logically describe the results obtained in the paper) and must contain the following elements with their explicit allocation: the purpose, methods, results, scientific novelty, practical significance; keywords; keywords (up to 6 individual words and/or combinations, before the list of words it should be printed by Italics the word Keywords;


3. Technical requirements for papers (Please use the provided template!)

Papers prepared with deviation from the above requirements of formatting, as well as those that received negative reviews or comments when editorial review, without appropriate corrections and improvements, are not accepted for publication in the journal.

4. Bibliography

References in the Nature style. See template.



of the author submitting an article

Full Name:

Academic degree:

Academic rank:


Place of work:

Address, ZIP Code:

Phone, fax:
