«Economics, Entrepreneuship, Management » journal is a peer-reviewed international scientific economic publication, the basic activity of which is publication of scientific articles with the aim of their distribution among scientists both in Ukraine and abroad.
The mission of the journal is to provide members of the scientific community with equal opportunities to publish results of their research and freely distribute them.
The Editorial Board supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative, aimed at free and gratuitous dissemination of scientific knowledge, which supports rapid development of science.
The main objective of the Editorial Board is to implement the policy tasks of the journal, the main directions of which are:
• coverage of issues related to the management of economy at the macro-, mezo- and micro-levels and to the forecast of the social and economic processes in the society;
• assistance to development of economic sciences;
• support of young scientists.
The editorial policy of the journal is based on the following principles:
• objectivity and impartiality in selection of articles for publication;
• high demands to the quality of research;
• double “blind” peer-reviewing of articles;
• collective decision-making on publication of articles;
• accessibility and efficiency in dealing with authors;
• strict observance of copyright and related rights;
• strict observance of the schedule of the journal publication.
Editorial Board undertakes systematic efforts to include the journal into international electronic libraries, catalogues and scientometrical bases with the purpose of entering into the world scientific information environment, increasing the rating of the journal and citation indices of its authors.
Editorial staff of the journal condemns signs of plagiarism in articles as violation of intellectual property rights and scientific ethics and takes all possible measures to avoid it.
The Editorial Board hopes that its work will facilitate the development of the domestic economical science
on peer-reviewing and order of handling articles in the «Economics, Entrepreneuship, Management» journal
1. The present regulations regulate the order of reviewing and handling articles that are delivered to the Editorial Board of the «Economics, Entrepreneuship, Management» journal.
2. Aim of reviewing – increase of quality of scientific articles published in the journal by means of assessment of materials by highly qualified experts.
3. The review procedure is anonymous both for reviewer and for the authors and is performed by two independent reviewers (double “blind” reviewing). External reviewers are domestic and foreign PhDs that have scientific works on the subject-matter declared in the article.
4. All reviewers shall stick to requirements of the Committee on Publication Ethics with respect to ethics in scientific publications and to be objective and impartial.
5. The following issues are considered in reviews:
• whether article contents correspond with its subject (set in title);
• whether article contents correspond with subject directions of the journal;
• whether article contents have certain novelty;
• whether article corresponds with the scientific level of the journal;
• whether article publication is expedient, taking into account earlier publications on this issue and whether it is of interest for a wide circle of readers;
• what exactly are positive sides and shortcomings of the article; what corrections and additions (if any) should be introduced by the author.
6. Only those articles, which were prepared in strict accordance with the «Article requirements» and that passed primary control of the Editorial Board, would be passed over for reviewing.
7. In the event of availability of remarks at the stage of primary control, the article can be sent back to the author on the grounds specified in Clause 5 of «Article requirements».
8. In the event of observance of the above listed requirements, a copy of the article is passed over to the Production Editor.
9. In the event of refusal to publish or when revision is needed, the reviewer/member of the Editorial Board should provide a written well-reasoned justification of such a decision.
10. Term of making recommendations – two weeks from the moment of receipt of the article.
11. Recommendations of reviewers are sent to the Production Editor via electronic mail.
12. The final decision with respect to the article is made during a meeting of the Editorial Board, which is held once a month and composed of: Chief Editor , Deputy Chief Editor, Members of the Editorial Board. The decision is made with consideration of the received reviews.
13. The article, which was accepted for publication, is handled further by the Editorial Staff in accordance with the production process of preparation of the article.
14. Decision of the Editorial Board is sent to the author(s). Articles that are subject to revision are sent to the author(s) together with the text of the4 review, which contains specific recommendations on revision of the article. Editorial Board guarantees anonymity of reviewers.
15. The revised variant of the article is sent for the second reviewing.