Ecological and economic consequences of a full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine are difficult to define, outline and quantify because the destructive war continues. For the post-war period, there will be a need to rebuild cities that were destroyed as a result of Russian aggression; at the design stage, it will be relevant to make proposals for the formation of green-blue infrastructure and implementation of eco-oriented solutions in all settlements of Ukraine, in particular, in Kamianka-Buzka city. The analysis of scientific publications on the formation of green-blue infrastructure was carried out and its functional potential was determined; based on the list of basic eco-oriented solutions, a number of proposals were made for the implementation of eco-oriented solutions in the city of Kamianka-Buzka. Given the current environmental situation, priority measures for the implementation of eco-oriented solutions in the city are: increasing the number and density of green areas, placing forest strips along roads, cleaning water surface runoff, modernizing parks, water supply and drainage systems, setting up a river embankment. Strengthening the role of green and blue infrastructure is a growth point that will help Ukrainian cities become more sustainable, progressive, comfortable and developed in the future.
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