October 10 - 12, 2018

Eastwest Chemistry Conference-2018

EWCC 2018

Lviv, Ukraine

Dear Colleagues,

Chemistry as a central science has a dramatic impact on advancement of societies. From new synthesis methods, new drug molecules and polymers and development of novel materials to understanding the molecular machinery in living systems, chemistry plays a significant role. The conferences are the platforms for exchange of ideas, scientific development of young scientists, and establishing new collaborations. With this in mind, the Turkish Chemical Society and Lviv Polytechnic National University have joined the forces to organize EastWest Chemistry Conference between October 10-12, 2018. We welcome contributions from all branches of chemistry and related areas such as nanoscience and nanotechnology, and bio-nano-materials. We hope that the conference will be a very interdisciplinary scientific platform benefitting from all branches of chemistry.

We aim to keep the conference standards high and we hope that it will be a unique opportunity for scientists from a wide variety of chemical disciplines to exchange and inspire new ideas for collaboration. Therefore, your participation to the EastWest Chemistry conference in Lviv between October 10-12, 2018 will be invaluable. We are looking forward to seeing you during the conference.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Dr. Mustafa Culha
Congress Chair

Prof. Dr. Stanislav Voronov
Congress Chair